Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Labels: quiz Labels: SCAM OF A LIFE Labels: RIBS Labels: sentosa.
im tired.
exhausted all will to harbor the out of range.
too many thoughts.
epics the many reflective thoughts running through the mind.
too many irrational and deep thoughts that cannot be illustrated here.
enough of hoping,
the band is over pulled.
it's time to end.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
lack of confidence,
full of ignorance.
i bet gerry hates me :(
she just doesn't wanna admit.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Disorder Rating Paranoid: High Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: High Borderline: Low Histrionic: High Narcissistic: Moderate Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --
haha i dunt even knuw if its accurate.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
haha i feel as though everyday is denial.
everytime qiqi and i hang out,
we delude ourselves into behaving as though our life is perfect.
when actually its just screwed up.
haha the laid back lifestyle is just some cover,
to hide our sad sad life.
but she's so sad she is damn gross.
ROTHKO says:
can you go help me look for koki now
ROTHKO says:
to freshen your eyes
serious girl says:
i scared i go blind
ROTHKO says:
please la
ROTHKO says:
why you so bad to froggie
serious girl says:
im not
serious girl says:
i just dunt have frog fetishes
ROTHKO says:
ok sorry. i have
ROTHKO says:
ROTHKO says:
fuck i cant believe i just said that
serious girl says:
im gonna save that
ROTHKO says:
ROTHKO says:
frog boy frog boy
ROTHKO says:
wo xi huan
we swam today !
exercise is good !
the meal after that was BAD.
everything unhealthy,
we ate.
going to genting tmr night.
thats the biggest scam.
haha i'm too poor to go !
yet i'm going.
hopefully no one important finds out.
or i'll probably be dead, buried alive.
haven't even spoke to my parents about the 30k,
which is the biggest problem i keep postponing to solve.
deadline is approaching nearer and nearer,
time is running out.
have to do it before i leave,
or die.
anyway end of this gloomy post.
everyone shd just listen to LOVE JUICE !
hahaha kat-tun, DON'T YOU EVER STOP !
Monday, April 21, 2008
fuckloads of schools.
Friday, April 11, 2008
went to qiqi's house today.
weighed myself.
seriously put on fuckloads weight.
after reaching qiqi's from imm,
the house was in a total blackout.
for about 3 hours,
so we decided to have a little barbecue to pass time.
this just shuws huw we put on weight,
even in total blackout we can find ways to prepare food.
seriously been eating too much.
sunday met chienhui, layyen and peiyun for some indian buffet.
haha which we felt wasn't that worth it.
but as it proves,
indian food is seriously always overpriced.
monday we went to out of the pan.
ate A LOT.
just kept ordering.
haha peiyun didn't go due to work.
the desserts there were really damn good !
especially the ice cream damn omgomg.
anyway qiqi, steph and i have got this ultimate plan.
damn omg exciting.
hahaha shan't disclose anything further to protect our privacies.
thailand trip up next i HOPE.
haha tats.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
apparently i went to the beach with a bunch of weirdos.
haha anyway i have pics !
btw it was before the thailand trip.
anyway it seems it was a bit early for us to wake up,
thus all were rather lethargic.
the weirdest ain't in the pics,
cos she was the supposed "photographer"opened our containers to start eating.
halfway through the meal,
it started drizzling so we took shelter.
saw some ultimately disgusting canned food some kid was eating,
like whut "ba bao zhou". fuck sick.
steph almost puked.as it got heavier,
we decided to seek refuge in cdm instead.as the rain got heavier,
our moods went duwn too.
gerry (yes i unleash the monster's name) the "photographer",
got bored.
so fiddled with the cam.anyway when the rain finally stopped !
we asked for the bill,
but xiaobai fucking nicely decided to treat us,
for god knuws whut reason.
we were damn shocked when i asked xiaobai for the bill,
and he said no bill.
we went "HUH",
anyways cdm is actually a rather nice place to chill lah.so we went back to the beach,
and i decided to act sweet.while steph decided to stuff herself.
and gerry's cupcake rotted.
to think i wanted to offer xiaobai one,
but shocked him instead when i opened the box.
but gerry was so sad,
she almost cried.after eating qiqi and i went to the waters,
while steph and gerry were planning to build sandcastles. hahain the end steph and qiqi went swimming in the sea !
gerry and i decided to stick to the land,
only because i abhor water mixed with sand while gerry didn't bring extra clothes.after multiple failures we finally took a "decent" shot.
started raining again.
so we went to bathe and freshen up in hopes of escaping the downpour,
but no avail it was fucking heavy when we started running to the toilets.
finally took the tram and left after all the hassle.
i'd like to highlight again that i' m not a fan of beaches,
ahahah sand, sun and sea water are alright,
just when they are not put together.
but we can probably picnic again soon,
cos the slow pace is damn shiok at times.
anyway here's steph saying bye to everyone.
thailand post next i guess.