Thursday, April 29, 2004
hrms. wednesdae 28/4
ohh sumthin drastic happened in sch todae. not realie drastic but i knuw whuts realie goin on nuw yuh. right yang ! haha. lucky i got yang todae. aud also. if not die luh. ohh yuh for the walkathon im in the same grp as the twins amanda kar and andrea ! haha. i work fast right yang ! -winks. haha. wo hao nan guo. u knuw why. and im feelin WOAH cheenafied. haha.
sch was okae luh. got back the stupid chinese prelims paper and i barely passed ! but im okae with it luh. cos i barely studied either. but i've decided to study for my o level chinese. so im aimin for a1 in chinese os. haha. okae den had some stupid super borin talk by shanthi. monotonous. fell aslp anyway. went home after tt.
spencer was late again. arse. burnt a cd while waitin for him. nvm he paid for the cab fare anyways. den we ran frm the cab all the way to big o. haha. it was dammn funny huw me paul and spencer ran dere. like some idiots. i've concluded that tiff and brendan so cannot act. so i've decided not to include them when i wanna trick someone. woah. they so gave the joke away man. we were suppose to bluff karina tt we were gonna steal the bag for her. but tif and brendan were like "sam ! where you goin with karina ? dun steal anythin ah !" kao. obvious can. so i din do any shit luh. i totallie embarassed myself at the shop though. i swear nv to step fioot in again. huwever the openin of the box part was hilarious. damm. i shd have recorded it down ! dinner at big o was gd ! big thanks to karina for treatin us ! i'll treat you on my bdae too ! if u can find me. haha. den ard 8 we left the placee and wanted to go out but it starteed rainin. den we slackedd in lido while brendan and brandon left. karina left with her frens too. den ard 9 tiff left too. so the 4 of us went to cine on the pretext of goin to kbox. haha. but we decided not to cos it was onli 10 for ladies ! but 19 for guys. so went to the arcade instead. my parents came ard 1030 to fetch me home. den fetcheed kim and spencer home too. paul stay so far so go home alone. haha. the car ride home was dammn HAHA. after kim went down it was funnier. tskk. no comments.
i loveeeeeeeee her.
todae todae todae !!!
blah. sch was borin. yang lend aud a bk durin maths. "The Bondmaid" by catherine lim. but it landed in my hands and has been with me ever since. i must finish it by todae ! haha. im at page 192 alr lehh. out of 358. not bad k. considerin the fact i slpt frrm 345 - 7 ! haha. im finallie at home todae. home sweet home. haha. anyways i just realised that in my whole 4 yrs of sec sch life i have nv borrowed a bk frm the screwed up sch library. and obiang gave up and went to help me find the bk she wanted me to borrow. haha. i took a full period to get the bk. haha. whut a smart slacker. im prepared to fail art mid yrs and prelims. im onlie aimin towards os. my mid yr will be a disaster. i've decided not to give a damn abt it. my onlie concern in the os. OHH YUH. KATRINA TAN LIYI. you suck k ! fuck u ! haha. you bloody hell traumatised my life k ! early mornin i was the first in sch as usual. den i was slpg. suddenlie i heard some meowin k. den i was like "fuck is dere a cat. the meow is gettin louder. shd i wake up and look." den i lift my head the fuck face was in front of me ! katrina tan brought a fuckin kitten to class. woah. i couldnt slp after tt k. it was such a traumatisin experience. kat i swear you'll get your retribution for doin this to me. haha. okae luuh. i still love u k. just get the cat away. i hate it.
wheeee. aud is tryin to be nice. haha. she baked for me 2 days in a row ! ydae was choc fudge cake we perceive. and todae it is perceived to be brownies and she duun wanna lemme eat much. she said i will grow fat ! aud ! im alr fat ! idiot. haha. yang has decided to be nice to. she finallie listens to me when i talk.
shd i go for post con this sundae. i dun feel like. but i feel like. but i dunno luh. ohh i haven stepped into the church for mass for a long time. maybe i shd go this wk. and i wanna change my template ! shall do it tmr. blahs. hahahaha. okae shall carry on with my booook. -shooed off !
=signed off=
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
wheeee. today's soccer was the best game ever k ! haha. and three miracles happened ! first is cheryl kicked the ball ! second is she scored the own goal. third is she kicked it away ! woahh. haha. anyways its was a draw. we were sorta like playin some equaliser game luhh. kept drawin it. deen physics was crap. mryap kept pickin on meeee. bitch. haha. den recess was crap as usual. deen had some compre test stuff durin eng. and elt didnt come todae ! woah ! rejoice ! after school i flew home k. reached home by 230 ! bathed by 240. run out of the hse by 245. reached town by 330 k. i wasnt late ! kim was. and spencer was even later. half an hour late lehh. faggot ! haha. den walked ard far east. met ling aud son for a while. den went to wait for paul at orchard mrt. he was 10 mins late ! hai. why cant evryone be as punctual as mee ! anyways we went to pfk to eat. den went to wheelock to buy a bag for karina. haha. after all the irritants irritatin her she finallie relented and told us whut she wanted ! haha. crumpler. quite nice lehh. karina ! if you dun wan gimme k. haha. den we went over to toys r us. den sat at macs and slacked for a long time. haha. it was dammn funny luuh. paul kept fartin.
gosh. haha. air pollutant. den ard 810 decided to go home. bussed home with spencer. kim bussed home with paul. haha. journey back was crap. haha. i was trryin to psycho him abt cL. HAHA. shant elaborate. some ppl shd knuw whu luh. blahh. im losin out on tv time ! its all cos of goin out. shd i ground myself ? haha. all my afternoon naps ! gone ! hrms. nvm tmr i shall nap before goin for karina's dinner. blahs. crapped enough. off i go ! poof !
=sign off=
Monday, April 26, 2004
ohh yes. huw can i forget to blog this !!
-samm. gone for good !
woahh. im bloggin lehh ! haha. evryone be shocked ! im turnin into my lazy self again. im just too lazy to bloggggg. haha. anyways i shall super mass update ! and super mass summarize ! sparin the details den ! wheeee. haha. anyways. i forgot all i did the past wks alr. ohh i chased energy lehh ! haha. first time k. but its was shit shit funny. den i chased 56 after their concert too. they get shit frenly while drunk. tsk. onlie while drunk. update frm more recent things luhh.
watched movie with peabrain and celest. peabrain was hell an hour late ! still dare to tell me she wont be late. serves her right for gettin diarrhea nuw. haha. anyways watched 50 first dates. not bad. recommended.
went for orals ! woahh. i failed man. haha. i insulted theodora tan and all. haha. den after eng orals had chi orals. so happenin cannnn. haha. after all orals i went to bern's house to do project with cheryl gerry ness and mun. den went home to slp. den went to the hospital. bro had some asthma attack. den he played on the wheelchair and all. haha. and became hyper.
went for post con late. blah. tiff shd go for confession. blahs. she lied to me and kim tt karina's bdae was the dae b4. woah. shock of the dae man. madee us feel all bad and panicky. bitch ! haha. jokin. den after post con we were stuck at the hall place thing as usual. askin ppl to go out with us. and havin to wait for evryone to go out before we can go out. brahhs. den in the end went to ps with sluttt-brendan, karina, kim, brandon, spencer, paul, berdict-my imaginary friend. ate and cartel. den all of them left ! den me and kim went to watch paul and spencer play pool. den we went to watch dawn of the dead at cine with this other guy. i keep forgettin his name. ehhhh. it was a gd shuuw lehh ! i liked it ! haha. but the endin was shit crap. haha. i even dream of the shuuw last night ! woahhh ! haha. okae after the shuw walked ard lookin for stuff. but town was empty. damn. nth to buyy. cabbed home in the end. talk crap to the driver. haha. reached home ard 10.
-today !
whee ! todae was basically like any normal dae. jac yip is sucha b-! made me go all the way to st gabs to collect the geog bks. blahh. OMG. I PASSED MY GEOG CA LEHH ! and i didnt cheat ! omg omg. FIRST TIME IN MY CRAP LIFE I PASSED GEOG !! -bimbotic screammm. den had my normal sch nap durin chi. haha. den after sch i was sucha loner kkkkkk. gerry mun and ness went to study. den i went home alonee. den met poh at the bus stop. haha. den reached home bathed and all den went to hougang point to study with celest poh and cherline. haha. i actuallie studied lehh. cant believe myself. after decidin not to go and disturb gerry they all with their studyin i went to disturb celest and all. haha. den decided to go meet poh's girlfriend at heartland. so we cabbed down. and they made me use my notes to exchange for all the shilings ! haha. den we talked and all. tskk. knuw more abt celest nuw man. haha. she and her deprived childhood with otah ! haha. tskk. shall not go into details ! den cabbed home with poh and her girlfriend. huge lamppost. haha. and they just abused each other both havin equally deprived childhoods just to traumatise me ! haha. okae nuw slackin.
ohh yuh ! audrey's hair on her arms are so resistant they duun come off even after usin the eraser to rub it. hrms. maybe tts the gd thing abt havin super hairy hands. haha. and heah xin yang is absent todae. means she'll be comin for the rest of the wk alr. cos she evrywk has to be absent for once whut. so todae she absent alr ! blahs. im so sad ! den tmr i will have to see her ! yang. why not u just be absent for ever ? haha. okae. aud went for her ballet exams todae ! hope she din break her ankle. haha. den i was sittin alone until ness came to save me. maybe im just destined to be a loner todae. gave heeleenah her present alr. haha. okae shant blog anymore or it'll get shit long winded ! tatasss.
=sign off=