Saturday, January 26, 2008
Labels: eeyer. Labels: abstinence is a virtue. Labels: kat-tun. Labels: diurnal / nocturnal . Labels: RYO. fangirling. Labels: TAIWAN. DAY 11. END. Labels: TAIWAN. DAY 10. Labels: TAIWAN. DAY 9. Labels: TAIWAN. DAY 8. Labels: TAIWAN. DAY 7. Labels: TAIWAN. DAY 6. Labels: TAIWAN. DAY 5. Labels: TAIWAN. DAY 4. Labels: TAIWAN. DAY 3. Labels: TAIWAN. DAY 2.
woah fuck.
ate too much today.
mee sua before mahjong.
barchormee after mahjong.
haven't filled my stomach to this brim for a long time,
feeling damn uncomfortable all bloated.
ohh fuck.
second batch episode is atrocious.
like whut rubbish of choosing the second batch.
it's like they had no other things to film as dan yuans or whut.
it was like a total joke,
because they did not finalise anyone but just split them into 2 groups.
whut bull pls.
totally wasted my time dl-ing cos i missed it.
mahjong is totally enlightening !
hahaha refreshed after playing,
though during supper everyone felt a bit dead.
planning a few meet ups upcoming.
ahaha after staying at home for 3 weeks,
the outside world seems more evil HAHA.
okay gonna sleep.
Friday, January 25, 2008
i have decided.
from nuw til cny i will abstain from all red meat,
and at the same time turn halal too.
haha i shall stick to fish and chicken til then,
lead a healthier fucked up deprived lifestyle.
no steamboat til then,
whut is steamboat without meat ?!
am excited nuw !
going to play mahjong later !
haha shall eat something more filling later to prevent mis-focus of tiles,
wish me luck on earning big bucks !
3rd day on only fruits,
and i am going mad.
spell mad please,
M - A - D .
i even started to hallucinate about food in my sleep,
shall not be too obsessed.
have a million and one things on my to-eat-list currently,
but just refraining to fulfill them shall be my biggest abstinence :)
okay time is passing really sluw nuw,
shall watch more nonsense to pass time.
-gone with the wind [if it can lift me :) ]
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
bbt's second batch gonna debut.
supposedly chosen already.
i'm guessing maodi ahben yeshou and liquan.
haha cos i saw some news that they went for some photo shoot together.
but i think this 4 put together like a bit weird.
anyway it will be shuwn on the 24th lah.
i finally stepped out of the house today !
ha haven't seen the outside world for huw long pls.
but just for dinner luh.
gonna start detoxing tmr.
having some damn bad case of indigestions and constipations.
i feel as though i'm living in a shell,
bar a wall from civilisation.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
ohh god.
as if the world can't get uglier.
Limited Edition First Press
Normal Edition First Press
Normal Edition
i've never see such ugly cd packaging before.
more ever from johnnehs.
like good gracious whut happened to their graphic designers,
or have the designers there all gone blind.
this is the first time im not contemplating on getting a kat-tun single,
at all.
it's really quite hideous,
might even develop nightmares thinking of it.
whut happened to japanese creativity ?!
again this cover has become official,
thus its also official that i wunt be getting this single.
to think i felt that "lips" sounded better than news' "taiyou no namida",
haven't seen the jacket for that but i bet it'll look better.
anything would probably look better !
this is bad for the visual senses.
okay rant end.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Diurnal or Nocturnal, that is THE question.
when can i get my diurnal lifestyle back !
i can't help it being nocturnal,
but i think at this rate my body is sluwly breaking duwn !
gimme some motivation !
Thursday, January 17, 2008
woohoo more sexy osaka man fangirl-ing .
apparently his resorting to soft porn to taint somemore innocent lil hearts hoho.
every vibe oozing out just spells sex. HAHA.
shan't post the pictures to large to prevent nose bleeds !
i just love the hip-bone !
hahah yes i'm sounding really perverted but i dunt really give a damn.
just allow me some moments of delusion,
but ryoXuchi are just f cute together !
and i would just love to post the pictures of such evidence to prove it,
but bloggers being a bitch currently unable-ing me to load photos !
maybe its just against all this BL.
ohh and i think kinki kids are really kinky,
they practically devoured each other on stage !
i think its some gutsy and blatant foreplay sort,
haha okay or just fan service lah.
but the kisses and all were really shocking !
hahaha but i've got no standing on it,
though there are some * fans arguing over it.
writing in to the agency to,
disallow all forms of coverage on the concert just because of 6 kisses is a lil overboard though.
like why would fans write in letters to stop the company from having the concert dvd,
of their own idols !?
all i can say is the fandom they have there is totally complicated and uncalled for. haha.
my * has taken it upon herself to ignore me,
honestly can't say i'm not enjoying it though.
hahaha i'm just loving the way she goes all out to treat me like glass,
this really takes away a whole load of nagging.
after all this resulted from her taken words too seriously,
and thinking too much.
her hyper sensitive emotions are just some things i will never be able to grasp.
til she talks to me i shall enjoy the freedom !
tune in next time for more fangirling chronicles !
-jyaaa !
Thursday, January 10, 2008
9/10/2007 - Tuesday.
did some last minute shopping around xi men ding,
just to check if we missed anything out.
ate at the nonsense place again,
haha never improved but we kept eating there out of convenience.bought donuts and "tong lo shao"s.
then back to the hotel to pack up everything.
settled everything and took freego to the airport,
the whole hassle of getting all the luggages into to bus was hectic.
even the driver who helped us carry them up,
asked if we were there for a holiday or to shop.arrived at the airport and checked in.
more drama with the total exceeding weight of 20kg in total.
unpacking and messed everything up,
in the end while boarding they let us check in all our hand carries for free.
total waste of time if you ask me,
but of cos you wunt.
ate some nonsense chicken rice in the plane,
tasted like plastic and very obviously instant.
the ride back was actually rather peaceful,
and bump free.
we were all scattered around the plane though,
checked in too late and didn't manage to choose seats.
i got peifen across the aisle though,
but she was too busy making friends with her taiwanese neighbours to "hiew" me.
gerry came to fetch me as usual !
haha seems like nuw when i leave the country she will send and receive me.
anyway while blogging back on this first experience overseas with friends,
i realise we didn't eat anything special !
but most my pictures are of food !
i really like to leave memories or whut i eat LAH OKAY.
hahaha but the whole experience was really fun while it lasted lah.
really want to go back though,
there's so many things we haven't done and tried there !
i wanna MA LA GUO.
woohoo !
finally !
-doneeee !
8/10/2007 - Monday.
second last day in taiwan.
ate some "guo tie"s and drank "suan la tang",
then had our fave "san xiong mei" for dessert.
tried the "xue bing",
totally regretted not trying earlier.
if not i would eat it like everyday !
really finger-lickin-good !the out of this world flavour burst,
made it damn special !
never tasted such sensational ice !
walked around xi men ding as usual,
then for the last night in taiwan we went back to shihlin.
like our ultimate fave night market,
or really was agnes's fave fave fave.
hahaha finally tried the "hao da da ji pao",
that was really "da da da".just judging from the picture everyone shd be able to tell,
that i really love the ice cream "pao fu" !
its really heavenly,
one bite can bring you round the world and back. HAH.
its like a must eat everytime we go to shihlin.
shopped around for any mis-buys.
then back to the hotel for more tv watching,
and rainbows.
and though its the last night at,
we didn't do anything special.
rather we were just all drained out of energy already.
end of day 10.
7/10/2007 - Sunday.
the main dish of the trip.
the reason why we actually were more determined to go to taiwan.
the day of the concert.haha had lunch at this little restaurant in xi men ding first,
cos peifen wasn't going for the concert.
ate some stuff that made me think taiwan's food ain't great after all.
like even singapore's wantons are nicer.the concert was rather vague,
haha not much impression left after it.
maybe due to the not very fantastic seats,
so our view was a bit covered here and there.
the climax was probably when tego fell,
agnes and i went crazy with *.
hahaha shan't let you knuw huw we were feeling.
went back to the hotel to get peifen after that.
went to wufenpu again to walk a lil,
then off to raohe.after this i totally concluded that i dunt have taiwan taste buds !
after anticipating to eat the "hu jiao bing" for such a long time,
i really didn't find anything different from it.
the taste was nothing out of this world or special whut,
dunt taste why taiwanese refer to it like some delicacy.went to party world later at night,
just for the experience.
later realised it was a bit towards the waste of money.
cos we were too tired and all to play and create havoc karaoke-ing.
and ahgua even fell asleep inside.
tribute to her,
will shuw everyone her true colours.she secretly loves to touch herself.
anyway after the tremendous fatigue,
we decided to go back and sleep.
end of day 9.
6/10/2007 - Saturday.
had to stay in the hotel the whole day,
due to the serious typhoon.
thank god the concert was only being postponed to the next afternoon.
we braved the strong winds and deadly rain to buy kfc,
and draw money.
hahaha the whole damp day was spent in the hotel room watching tv.
total waste of our precious time,
thus i shan't continue to harp about it.
end of day 8.
5/10/2007 - Friday.
went to Taipei 101.
had lunch at their "food court" thingy there.
food wasn't special nor tasty,
just to fill the tummy i guess.
didn't pay to go up all the way,
cos we felt it was a total waste of money besides that day rather hazy so "SEE SHIT AH".went to "new york new york" for some shopping,
bought shoes as usual.
visited the toysrus there.
haha nothing special lah.
check out 101's night and day view.
nothing much though,
im not much of a "OHH LOOK AT THE BEAUTIFUL VIEW" person,
to me honestly "YOU CAN'T EAT THE VIEW".
haha quoted from "a view from the bridge" LOL.
went to "shida ye shi" after that.
ate nice and pretty things.
haha and that bento box sort stuff looks really normal,
but its fucking good i swear.
and the HUGE crepe thing is cheap and good,
total value for money. haha.
shida wasn't as interesting as we thought it would be,
maybe cos it was all rainy weather, "damp damp one".
typhoon was like on the edge of occurring already,
so we spent the few days wet and all.
went to some web cafe at night,
cos we were fretting and all over the concert the next day.
many said it was canceled yet many said it was still running.
to make things worst dbsk totally canceled their concert and went back to korea already !
end of day 7.
4/10/2007 - Thursday.
went for brunch at some little stall near our hotel,
went to taipei main station after that.
bought our train tickets and roamed the place a while,
cos we had some time til boarding.
played those basketball machines til our arms were all sore,
and walked to the 7/11 in the railway station and prepared for boarding.
as usual whut else is there to do during a journey but to take pikkies.
on the way to jiufen was really boring,
so we did our usual bitching and all.
haha check out the guy on the top left corner,
comments on him were plentiful during the ride.
turned out huwever that he was really nice,
and guided us which bus to take to jiufen and all.
this shuws not to judge a book by its cover,
or a person by their clothing (?!) HAHA.
jiufen was really soothing in a way,
like the minute you alight the bus you'd feel really relaxed.
maybe cos the air is really refreshing up there,
and the scenery was pretty damn surreal.
there's also that woman with the weird hair,
she's like some total fashion icon there.
didn't dare to buy anything from her though,
she seemed so eccentric she might put poison or spit in my food.
anyway bought so much junk we had to cab back all the way to taipei !i sat in front but check out huw squashed they were behind,
haha and let me mention it was a one hour journey mind you.
they kept quarreling over the space and made so much moaning and groaning. HAH.
since we were back early,
we decided to go to huaxi was fun in a olden manner.
since this whole stretch felt like it was filled with elderly,
and the street seemed really historic. HAHA.
but they had all sorts of weird stuff that probably wunt be found outside,
and lots of animals !
even all those snake meat turtle meat and nonsense stuff,
didn't take a pic of those though.
went for some bbq supper sort later at night.
where we felt ulterly ridiculed.haha see that huge cabbage in one of the pics ?
it was a tool to make a total joke out of huiyi.
and this place made us step out in humor/anger ?
anyway we went to some comic/web cafe sort to go online for a while.
then back to bed.
seems we had really bad time management,
either we didn't do much or we did too much.
hahaha we had days that were really sluw paced,
while days that we did too many things resulting in total exhaustion.
okay end of day 6.
3/10/2007 - Wednesday.
the day was spent quite sluwly it seems.
didn't really go to many places,
dunt even really have many pictures.
it was the day we ate the "er" thing for brunch though,
its some goose meat stuff that supposedly was really popular.
we realised that we were damn picky and all with food,
cos those "popular" stuff that people liked and highly recommended; we didn't like."san xiong mei" we really loved though.
it was like one of the rare stuff on our itinerary we went to eat,
and liked.
which wasn't the case with others.
i really hate beansprouts also,
haha just check out the pic contrast of the abundant "tao geh" and none one,
suprisingly ah gua loves them.
we continued roaming xi men ding wanting to visit "stage",
which seems like we weren't in luck cos it was closed for stock taking !
it was such a long way to walk there too.
went to some high end shopping centre after that,
which had really lovely toilets.
then went to the "cheng ping" bookstore which ahgua was dying to go to,
because it was "24 hours" and all.
huwever we went at like 3/4pm in the afternoon,
which totally defeats that purpose ain't it.
since everywhere would actually be open at that hour.
had some dinner sort in some ramen restaurant,
which wasn't fantastic.
we searched for atms on the way too,
but some seemed like pranks.
come on which atm would state "temporarily out of cash, would you like to continue?",
and its like all of them were like that.
huw do their banks even operate.
they had really "kawaii" atm booths though,
that were all pink and pig-ish.
i think we went to "wufenpu" after that,
but no pics.
just remember we had so much rubbish with us all our hands were breaking,
esp this ahgua the amount of mask she bought were enough to last her like a whole yr.
end of day 5,
as i blog and think back about it.
seems like we really wasted a lot of time on this trip,
hah shall make it jam packed with fun the next time !
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
2/10/2007 - Tuesday.
I'm getting fast !
started leaving the hotel late from this day i think.
like everyday around 1plus-2pm then we'll leave the room.
lack of time management, haha.
lunch was at tamagoya.
food was rather good.went to the shinkon mitsukoshi departmental after that.
bought many unnecessary items,
haha reckless buys.
and went to tian mu for some sort of tea break.
had it at the "bu bu wu",
haha the one on meteor garden.
went the for experience and sort of another paying for "scenery" session.the day was spent quite beautifully i guess.
haha since many nice pictures were taken,
because !
after bubu we went to miranmar !
for the ferris wheel.
took rather orgasmic pictures,
hahaha only because all the lighting effects were quite awesome.
yes im officially a out of the closet cam whore.
haha no luh,
but seems like most my pics are of myself.
HAHA i think those groups shots and all are with the others,
cos i vaguely remember them always saying that taking with their camera like nicer.
so the pics in mine are those i take alone in secret.
and i realise most of my pics are taken with huiyi or peifen !
hahaha i guess its because agnes and jw were best pals during the trip,
so we took more rubbish pics together.
but i really dunt knuw why !
ferris wheel only with peifen cos we sat on the same side, hah.
after all the hassle of picture takings,
we went to our fave shihlin again.
for dinner.
totally scrumptious. haha had the western there at the stall,
totally regret saying i want the hot one.
cos both agnes and i have this conception that taiwan hot cant can any hotter than our less chili.
thus we didn't realise their hot was just black pepper,
the other one was like mushroom tomato sort.
which tasted so much better.
and just add a mr bao pic also.
wasn't fantastic but maybe cos we ate it cold.
anyway thats all for day 4.
and im already getting a bit sick of all this blogging.
haha might continue later at night or tmr LAH.
til then.
haha i'm the fastest nuw !
1/10/2007 - Monday.
left hotel around 11plus ? this day.
had "ah zhong mian xian" for breakkie.
and seems like we got sick of it pretty quickly.
had lunch at the toilet bowl restaurant.
haha quite an interesting experience.
but the food ain't fantastic,
seemed that we were paying for the ambiance instead.
after that put duwn the stuff we bought in xi men ding back at the hotel,
and embarked on our journey to the mysterious "wo cai"'s recording. HAHA.
yes im exaggerating.
on the way,
check our very own fahrenheit.hahaha okay lah nonsensical jokes throughout the trip okay,
makes traveling more enjoyable.
at the recording studio we realised that the guest stars for that day was energy.
haha like whut kinda bullshit luck was that.anyway i have to mention that i really love mrwu's shoes !
the biggest thing i love about taiwan would have to be their 7/11 !
just the variety of drinks can let you try something new everyday for the whole yr !-exaggerating again.
after recording had supper at some noodle shop thing,
recommended by the cab uncle.
bed and all later after flipping through channels,
and huiyi's ultimate fave would have to be rainbow channel ! HAHA.
-day 3 done.
30/9/2007 - Sunday.
upholding my promise.
here is day 2 !
which also is the was the day we woke up the earliest,
and went to most places in a day.
rise and shine,
and left the hotel by wee hours of 9am !
the only day we managed to do so.
this was due to bbt's recording that we went to catch a glimpse of all of them before they went in.
yuh check out our bored faces while waiting,
apparently they were suppose to b e there at 9am,
haha but when we arrived at 930 they had yet to be seen.
so we got up to entertaining ourselves AS USUAL.
taking self shots, in short,
and finally seen them real life already.
yes thats my fave with the sai-bin.
ahaha AND i have to mention bbt fans are like assorted candy.
there are all sorts of them and even guys !
which i think seem rather erm. feminine. lesser towards the masculine side.
their dressing ain't THAT bad,
but its all in the posture.
everything spells out *-*-*.
censored to protect myself. AHA.check out the shot we shuwed our bitchy selfs again,
hahaha using huiyi to camouflage us trying to take the fans.
there were an abundant amount of them i swear !
close to at least a hundred !
HAHA SEE WE ARE BBT FANS WHUT ! - am im the maddest cos i suscribed to channel v ! HAHA.
and after peeking at all the impt. ones we decided it was enough and called it a day,
then we went for lunch.
yea ding tai fung.yes not well done.
but i tried.
haha mainly cos it really is a chore to upload pics one by one.
after the heavy brunch sort we went too the train duwn to danshui.
but not after almost getting our legs broken,
while trying to find showbiz.yes everyone can sense my laziness alr.
cos i dunt really intend to elaborate since it has been quite a while since then,
and my brain is kinda stoned currently.
and thats about all for day 2.
ohh yuh we had like macs and all for supper back at the hotel.
since we reached back early we roamed ximending for a while then off to bed.
okay day 3 next.