Wednesday, March 26, 2008

ohh no,
qiqi was just mentioning something about kazuya and moustaches before dinner.
nuw look at the fucking stubbles.
wait its totally full blown luh.
i was just exclaiming huw horrid kazuya would look with it,
and i even stated that jin would probably suit it more.
hahaha i officially apologise for spouting such shit.
okay jin does suit it MORE compared to kazuya,
huwever he really DOESN'T suit it.
anywayy thailand was alright i guess.
will emphasize and probably blog on it once i get the pics lah.
but i wunt be bitchy no worries.
ooo bye.
p.s : qi im damn nice i even tagged my post as that name alr.
will do a kinky kids post another time. HAHA